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Trudie Jackson Papers 2018


Overview of the Collection

Creator: Jackson, Trudie, 1967-
Title: Trudie Jackson Papers
Inclusive Dates: 2018
Quantity: 1 Box (0.5 Linear Feet)
Abstract:The Trudie Jackson Papers contain Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates campaign material, campaign flyers, notebooks, and Presidential Candidate forum agendas.
Identification: MSS-414
Language: Material in English
Repository: Arizona State University Library Labriola National American Indian Data Center
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Biographical Note

Trudie Jackson is a member of the Navajo Nation from Gallup, New Mexico. Her clans are Bitterwater, Folded Arms People, Mexican People, and Yucca Strung Out In A Line. Trudie grew up on the Navajo Nation and spent most of her summers with her grandmother learning about the Navajo ceremonies, sheep herding, and carding/spinning/dying wool. She attended Indian Boarding Schools (Teec Nos Pos, Nenahnezad, Fort Wingate, and Phoenix Indian School). She briefly attended public school while on the Indian Student Placement Program in Utah. She is one of six children and the first in her family to pursue an advanced degree at the University of New Mexico. Her research addresses decolonization, social justice, and Indigenous gender/identity.

A prominent community activist advocating for American Indian transgender women, she initiated the Southwest American Indian Rainbow Gathering, is actively involved in health disparities such as HIV/AIDS affecting underrepresented populations, and speaks locally and nationally sharing her personal experiences overcoming many barriers in pursuit of her education as a Navajo transgender woman.

Trudie ran in the 2018 Navajo Nation Presidential election as the first Navajo transgender women seeking the Nation's highest office. Her run in the Navajo Nation Presidential election made headlines across Indian Country and gave hopes to many American Indian gender non-conforming tribal members to run for public office.

Scope and Content Note

The Trudie Jackson Papers contain Navajo Nation Presidential Candidate campaign material and forum agendas, invitation letters, Navajo Council Delegate forum, campaign stickers, and travel/rental information.


This collection consists of one box.


Access Restrictions

To view this collection, please contact Ask an Archivist or call (480) 965-4932 at least five days in advance. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Patrons can also arrange to view this collection at the Labriola National American Indian Data Center (rm. 305) at Fletcher Library on the West campus. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


The Arizona Board of Regents retains copyright to this collection for and on behalf of the Arizona State University Library. Requests to publish, display, or redistribute information from this collection must be submitted via our online application.

Access Terms

Personal Name(s)
Jackson, Trudie

Political campaigns -- Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah
Transgender women -- Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah
Women political candidates -- Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah

Presidents -- Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah -- Election -- 2018

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Trudie Jackson Papers, MSS-414, Arizona State University Library.


Ms. Trudie Jackson donated these material to the Labriola Center in 2018 (Accession #2018-05585).

Container List

11 Avis Rental, 2018 May 31-June 4
12 Flyers and Other Campaign Materials, 2018 July-August
Trudie Jackson Portrait

Trudie Jackson Portrait

Campaign Flier

Navajo Nation Primary Election Results

Campaign Logo

Campaign T-Shirt

Campaign Banner

Campaign Advertisement

Campaign Advertisement

Trudie Jackson with Campaign Business Card

13 Navajo Nation Council Delegate Forum, 2018 August
14 Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates' Campaign Material
Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates

Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates

Presidential Election Promotional Graphic

15 Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates Forum, 2018 July-August
Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates Forum Schedule

Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates Forum Schedule

Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates Forum Schedule

16 Navajo Nation Presidential Candidates' Invitation Letters, 2018 August
Diné Pride, 2018 June 30
Trudie Jackson Speaking at Diné Pride

Trudie Jackson Speaking at Diné Pride

Trudie Jackson Holding Book Titled "Two Spirit People" at Diné Pride


Navajo Nation Fair and Rodeo, 2018 July-October
Navajo Nation Fair and Rodeo Schedule

Trudie Jackson Meet-and-Greet, Phoenix, Arizona, 2018 July 5
Trudie Jackson Meet-and-Greet Promotional Flyer

Trudie Jackson Meet-and-Greet Promotional Flyer

Trudie Jackson Meeting with Phoenix Diné

Trudie Jackson Meeting with Phoenix Diné

Trudie Jackson Meeting with Phoenix Diné

Trudie Jackson, Wella, and Storm

Navajo Nation Forum: Kayenta, 2018 July 16
Kayenta Candidate Forum Proceedings

Trudie Jackson Kayenta Candidate Forum Name Tag

Clipping Regarding Discussion of LGBT Rights at the Kayenta Candidate Forum

Newspaper Clipping Regarding the Kayenta Candidate Forum

Navajo Nation Forum: Gila River and Wild Horse Pass, 2018 July 17
Native American Grant School Association (NAGSA) Invitation to Participate in the Wild Horse Pass Casino & Hotel Candidate Forum

Native American Grant School Association (NAGSA) Invitation to Participate in the Wild Horse Pass Casino & Hotel Candidate Forum

Native American Grant School Association (NAGSA) Invitation to Participate in the Wild Horse Pass Casino & Hotel Candidate Forum

Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum Advertisement

Trudie Jackson Speaking at the Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson Speaking at the Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson at the Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Gila River/Wild Horse Pass Candidate Forum

Navajo Nation Forum: Shonto, 2018 August 3
Shonto Candidate Forum Promotional Flier

Shonto Candidate Forum Promotional Flier

Shonto Candidate Forum Promotional Flier

Navajo Nation Forum: Twin Arrows, 2018 July 27
Twin Arrows Candidate Forum Promotional Graphic

Twin Arrows Candidate Forum Promotional Graphic

Twin Arrows Candidate Forum Agenda

Twin Arrows Candidate Forum Agenda

Twin Arrows Candidate Forum Agenda

Opening of the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Panelists at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Audience at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Audience at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson Speaking at Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson and Lishie at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson and Mrs. Beck at the Twin Arrows Candidate Forum

Candidate Standings After the Twin Arrows Forum

Building Exterior

Trudie Jackson Meet-and-Greet, Shiprock, New Mexico, 2018 July 28
Trudie Jackson Meet-and-Greet Promotional Flyer

Navajo Nation Chapters, 2018 July 27-28
Asdzáá Warrior Fest Promotional Flier (Counselor Chapter)

Meet-and-Greet with Trudie Jackson (Sanders Chapter)

Houck Veterans Meeting, 2018 August 5
Trudie Jackson and Dusty Lee at the Houck Veterans Meeting

Navajo Nation Forum: Shiprock, 2018 August 6
Shiprock Candidate Forum Proceedings

Stage at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

Candidates at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

View of Audience from Stage

Trudie Jackson Speaking at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson Speaking at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson Speaking at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson and Gabe at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

Trudie Jackson and Dr. Jennifer Wheeler at the Shiprock Candidate Forum

Navajo Nation Forum: Tuba City, 2018 August 16
Tuba City Candidate Forum Participants

Tuba City Candidate Forum Participants

Navajo Nation Forum: Tsaile, 2018 August 20
Tsaile Candidate Forum Proceedings

Trudy [sic] Jackson Name Tag

View of Tsaile Candidate Forum Audience from Stage

Audience at the Tsaile Candidate Forum

Audience at the Tsaile Candidate Forum

Speaker at the Tsaile Candidate Forum

Newspaper Clipping Regarding the Tsaile Candidate Forum

Newspaper Clipping Regarding the Tsaile Candidate Forum

Tsaile, Arizona Scenery

Trudie Jackson and Unidentified Individual Outside Diné College Gymnasium, Tsalie Candidate Forum

17 Trudie Jackson's AIS 521 Diné Policy Institute: Recommendation for Re-Structuring the Navajo Nation Council
18 Trudie Jackson's Campaign Notebook, 2018 April-August
19 Trudie Jackson's Campaign Stickers, 2018 June 11
110 Trudie Jackson's Handwritten Notes
111 Trudie Jackson's Notebook, 2018 June
Newspaper Clippings
Nick X. Taylor Speech Regarding Candidate Positions on LGBT Rights

Clipping Regarding Trudie Jackson's Position on Education

Election Timelines and Results, 2018
Election Information

Navajo Nation Election Calendar

Other Photographs
Trudie Jackson Snapshot



Cleaning Supplies

Trudie Jackson, Autumn Montoya (Miss Navajo Nation 2018), and Unidentified Individual

Trudie Jackson and Unidentified Individual

Trudie Jackson Signing an Anti-Smoking Petition

Trudie Jackson and Shelby in Albuquerque, New Mexico