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Simon J. Ortiz Papers 1946-1992 (Bulk 1960-1992)


Overview of the Collection

Creator: Ortiz, Simon J., 1941-
Title: Simon J. Ortiz Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1946-1992
Bulk Dates: 1960-1992
Quantity: 86 Boxes (48.75 Linear Feet)
Abstract:The Simon J. Ortiz Papers contain his writing, journals, correspondence, projects, Pueblo of Acoma work, teaching materials, research, miscellaneous files, conference materials, and audiovisual material. The bulk of the material dates from 1960 to 1992 and consists of his writing, research, and correspondence. The papers are arranged in eleven series: Writing, Journals, Correspondence, Projects, Pueblo of Acoma Work, Teaching, Research, Miscellaneous, Conferences, Audiovisual, and Book Collection.
Identification: MSS-372
Language: Material in English
Repository: Arizona State University Library. Labriola National American Indian Data Center
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Biographical Note

Acoma Pueblo writer, critic, and poet Simon J. Ortiz was born on May 27, 1941 in the Pueblo community of McCarty's, NM. Ortiz has a large family of many brothers and sisters. His mother, Mamie Torbio Ortiz, is of the Eagle Clan, and his father, Jose L. Ortiz, is of the Antelope Clan. Ortiz has held many jobs from Pueblo of Acoma Interpreter to speaker to teacher and mentor. Each of these positions has enabled him to help guide and support tribal issues, as well as encourage other Indigenous peoples to artistically and critically speak about their own nations. His publications have included short fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children's literature, and critical essays, all ranging in form and content. He also worked on scripts for several video projects, some of which were produced as TV shows or documentaries. Most of his work focuses on Indigenous issues that currently affect Indigenous peoples. Although he often brings in his own Keresan language and discussions of Acoma Pueblo people, he also discusses issues more globally which affect all Indigenous peoples due to colonization. Ortiz has founded and created the Indigenous Speaker Series at Arizona State University. He has also been awarded the following: the Lila Wallace Reader's Digest Writer's Award, the New Mexico Humanities Council Humanitarian Award, the National Endowment for the Arts Discovery Award, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and was an Honored Poet at the 1981 White House Salute to Poetry. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Returning the Gift Festival of Native Writers. RED INK: International Journal of Art, Literature, and Humanities was moved from the University of Arizona to Arizona State University at Ortiz's direction in 2014. This saved the journal from discontinuing publication, a long legacy Ortiz believed should remain intact and moving forward. He became the managing editor and has since promoted work by new and established artists and critics beginning with the Fall 2015 18.1 issue. The main themes amongst Ortiz's work and mentorship of others involve continuance, centering Indigenous voices, and recognition of American Indian literature as its own National canon.


ASU Directory

Scope and Content Note

The Simon J. Ortiz Papers contain his writing, journals, correspondence, projects, Pueblo of Acoma work, teaching materials, research, miscellaneous files, conference materials, and audiovisual material. The bulk of the material dates from 1960 to 1992 and consists of his writing, research, and correspondence. The papers are arranged in eleven series: Writing, Journals, Correspondence, Projects, Pueblo of Acoma Work, Teaching, Research, Miscellaneous, Conferences, Audiovisual, and Book Collection.

The Writing papers include manuscripts (some with hand written edits, some without), notes, and handwritten versions from Fightin'. There is also work by other known authors such as Leslie Marmon Silko, D'Arcy McNickle, Gerald Vizenor, Linda Hogan, and Terry Tempest Williams. Sometimes manuscripts were sent for his feedback, but oftentimes feedback was not given. Also in this section is an unpublished start to a novel.

Journals include mostly handwritten work from earlier periods, while some of the work is typed, and includes creative work, diary-type entries, ideas for projects, and notes from meetings.

Correspondence includes letters to Ortiz regarding his writing, projects, jobs, speaker events, publications, family life, as well as copies of correspondence from Ortiz. Some of the letters include notes to and from known authors such as Leslie Marmon Silko, Linda Hogan, Geary Hobson, N. Scott Momaday, D'Arcy McNickle, and Louise Erdrich.

Projects contains Simon Ortiz's various work with organizations on videos and events where he was directly involved, some of which includes NEA applications, Surviving Columbus, and an NEH project on D'Arcy McNickle.

Pueblo of Acoma work includes research articles, paperwork, water rights, and UNM Drug and Alcohol Abuse Studies Institute materials.

Teaching includes syllabi, research, notes, and student work, all from various institutions.

Research includes articles by various authors, magazine clippings, newspaper clippings, and newsletters.

Miscellaneous files contain work by unknown authors, projects not his own, university issues, and land issues.

Conferences includes materials gathered from conferences attended.

The Audiovisual material includes video projects he worked on and recorded cassette tapes of interviews.


This collection consists of seventy-seven boxes divided into eleven series:
Series I: Writing
Series II: Journals
Series III: Correspondence
Series IV: Projects
Series V: Pueblo of Acoma work
Series VI: Teaching
Series VII: Research
Series VIII: Miscellaneous
Series IX: Conferences
Series X: Audiovisual
Series XI: Book Collection


Access Restrictions

To view this collection, please contact Ask an Archivist or call (480) 965-4932 at least five days in advance. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Patrons can also arrange to view this collection at the Labriola National American Indian Data Center (rm. 305) at Fletcher Library on the West campus. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


The Arizona Board of Regents retains copyright to this collection for and on behalf of the Arizona State University Library. Requests to publish, display, or redistribute information from this collection must be submitted via our online application.

Access Terms

Personal Name(s)
Ortiz, Simon J., 1941-

Corporate Name(s)
Arizona State University

Geographic Name(s)
Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico

Indians of North America -- Intellectual life
Indians of North America -- Land tenure -- Southwest, New

Indian college teachers -- Southwest, New

Genre Form(s)
American literature -- Indian authors

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Simon J. Ortiz Papers, MSS-372, Arizona State University Library.


The Simon J. Ortiz Papers were donated by Ortiz himself in 2012 directly to the Labriola Center (Accession #2012-04598).

Container List

Series I: Writing
11 Miscellaneous Coursework, 1960-1961
12 Notes and Papers from English Literature Coursework, 1966
13 For Coursework with Professor Periman, 1962 November
14 For Coursework Education Foundations and Journalism, 1967 Fall
15 For Coursework Journalism 332, 1968 Spring
16 Miscellaneous Papers, Coursework, 1968 (Handwritten)
17 For Coursework on Victorian Novel and Early English Novel, 1968 Spring
18 Writing for Dr. Robert A. Roessel Extension Course ASU, 1968 Summer
19 Short Stories, 1968-1969
110 The Passage, 1970s (Unpublished Collection)
111 Going for the Rain, 1976 (Original for Publisher; Includes Editing and Layout Markups)
112 Going for the Rain, 1976 (Blues)
21 Going for the Rain, 1976 (Blues and Signatures)
22 Going for the Rain, 1976 (Printer's Proofs)
23 Going for the Rain "Raw", 1976 (Blues with Red Publisher's Pen)
24 Going for the Rain Personal Calendar and Deadlines for Script Version, 1981
25 Going for the Rain and A Good Journey (Various Drafts; Includes Author Handwritten Edits)
26 Handbook of North American Indians National Museum of Natural History: Smithsonian Institute, 1979
27 The People Shall Continue (Various Drafts; Includes Author Pen and Pencil Edits)
28 A Good Journey with some Going for the Rain (Drafts; Blue and Black Pen Author's Edits; Partial Broadsides with Publisher Markings)
29 Contract for the Next World - Poems by 32 Third World Americans, 1977
210 Reviews of Going for the Rain
31 Fight Back, 1978-1979 (Various Drafts; Includes Black Pen Author Edits)
32 Fight Back, 1979 (Original; Includes Author Pen Edits)
33 Fight Back, 1980 (Proof Copy of Blues with Publisher Edits)
34 Miscellaneous Press Releases, 1980
35 Ceremony of Brotherhood, 1981 (Draft)
Ortiz co-authored this anthology with Rudy Anaya.
36 The Journey Home (First Draft)
This novel was never published.
37 The Journey Home, 1981 Spring
This novel was never published.
38 The Journey Correspondence with Larry Littlebird, 1981
39 Some A Good Journey and Other Drafts (With Pen and Pencil Author Edits)
310 Some A Good Journey and Other Poem Drafts (With Pen Author Edits)
41 Signed Poem Excerpt From Sand Creek, 1981
42 From Sand Creek (Drafts; With Pen Author Editing Marks Plus Handwritten Portions)
43 From Sand Creek, 1981 (Original; Typescript with a Few Pen Author Edits)
44 From Sand Creek, 1981 (2 Original Manuscripts)
45 Reviews of From Sand Creek
46 The Importance of Childhood (Various Drafts; With Author Revisions)
47 The Importance of Childhood and Blue and Red, 1981 (Photocopies)
48 Blue and Red, 1981 (Original Bound Children's Book)
49 The Importance of Childhood, 1981 (Original Bound Children's Book)
410 Fightin', 1981 (Blue Pen Handwritten Author Edits)
51 Fightin' (Various Drafts; Blue and Black Pen Author Edits)
52 Fightin', 1983 (Proofs; Typescript; Black Pen Handwritten Author Edits)
53 Fightin' F&G Signatures, 1983
54 Fightin', 1981 (Original Manuscript to Publisher)
Includes 1983 cover proof.
55 Reviews of Fightin'
56 Fight Back, 1980 (Photocopies)
57 Edited Volume on Socio-Cultural Distribution of Rural Resource Development, 1982 (Incomplete)
58 The Decapitated, 1982 (Photocopies)
59 Going for the Rain (Naked in the Wind) (Drafts and Handwritten Edits)
510 Poems, 1983-1984 (Typescript)
511 Going for the Rain Proposal and Film Series for Television, 1983 (Typescript)
This show was not produced.
512 Earth Power Coming, 1983 (Original; Cover-p. 149; Some Blue Pen Edits)
61 Earth Power Coming, 1983 (Original; p. 150-300; Blue Pen Edits)
62 Earth Power Coming, 1983 (Original; p. 301-416; Blue Pen Edits)
64 The Light of Creation: Before and After (Handwritten Draft)
63 "The Language We Know" Swann/Krupat, I tell you now, 1987 (Page Proofs)
65 After the Light Before, 1989 December 9 (Original Draft of Unpublished Screenplay)
66 After the Light Before (Copy of Original Draft of Unpublished Screenplay)
67 After the Light Before (Typescript Draft of Unpublished Screenplay; Blue Pen Author Edits)
68 After the Light Before, 1990 (Final Version)
69-10 After the Light Before, 1990 (Copy of Final Version of Unpublished Screenplay)
71 After and Before the Lightning, 1987 (Photocopy of Initial Draft with Author Edits)
72 After and Before the Lightning, 1987 (Initial Draft with Black Pen Author Edits)
73 After and Before the Lightning, 1987 (Incomplete Initial Draft with Black Pen Author Edits)
74 After and Before the Lightning (Final Version; Some Pen Author Edits)
75 After and Before the Lightning (Final Version; Some Pen Author Edits)
Includes handwritten book outline.
76 Poem from After and Before the Lightning and Other Poems (With Pen Author Edits)
77 "The Boy Who Could Not Talk", 1991 (Drafts of Short Story)
78 The Way it Works and "Chaco, the Anasazi who are the ancient ones, and ourselves", 1991 (Typescript and Photocopy)
79 Heart in Rhythm Sovremennik Publishers of Moscow Anthology Correspondence
710 Woven Stone Preface, 1991 Spring (With Black Pen Author Revisions)
81 Woven Stone Preface, 1991 Spring (With Whiteouts)
82 Woven Stone - Going for the Rain (Original Typescript)
83 Woven Stone - A Good Journey (Original Typescript)
84 Art as a Status of Sovereignty (Original Handwritten Partial Critical Work)
85 Coming into Being: 500 Years Later (Various Handwritten and Typescript Drafts with Black Pen Author Revisions)
86 Chopas, the Sun Child: A Dance - Drama Sequence in Three Scenes (Unpublished)
87 The Man Who Found the Man (Chapter 1; Unpublished and Unfinished Novel)
88 North Door is my Home (Correspondence and Drafts)
89 "On the Way to the Jet" (Handwritten Draft)
810 Miscellaneous Critical Work (Original Drafts; Some Author Edits)
811 Works (Photocopies)
812 Miscellaneous Poems (Photocopies)
813 "Prairie to Portland and Return: Native Son Poems" (Unpublished)
814 "Spears and Knives" (Poem with Text Marks)
91 Published as Mentioned in Articles
92 Publications about Indians of North America: Simon Ortiz and the Oral Tradition by Dr. H. Friedl, 1981
(German Language Copy)

93 Published in Catalogs
94 Published in Journals
95 Published in Newsletters, Flyers, Posters, and Programs
96 Other Known Authors: Dine' Txah by D'arcy McNickle and Viola G. Pfrommer (Photocopy; Cover-p. 138)
101 Other Known Authors: Dine' Txah by D'arcy McNickle and Viola G. Pfrommer, 1936 (Original Typescript)
Includes letters to possible editors and typescript of "Train Time".
102 Other Known Authors: Jacklight by Louise Erdrich, 1976 (Photocopy of Dartmouth Dissertation)
103 Other Known Authors: Tracks by Louise Erdrich, 1976 (Photocopy of Dartmouth Dissertation)
104 Other Known Authors: Jesús Salvador Treviño-Seguin, 1979
105 The Journey, 1982
This screenplay by Larry Littlebird is based on Ortiz's work.
106 Other Known Writers: Unheard Voices-Singing the Song to Paper by Wendy Rose, 1982 (Excerpt)
107 Other Known Authors: She Had Some Horses by Joy Hario, 1982
Includes a letter to press and pen markings by an unknown hand.
108 Other Known Authors: Tlingit Oratory by Nora Dauenhauer, 1984
109 Other Known Authors: That Horse by Linda Hogan, 1985 (Original Layout with Pen Markings)
111 Other Known Authors: That Horse by Linda Hogan, 1985 (Folded and Gathered Signatures)
112 Other Known Authors: The Moccasin Games by Gerald Vizenor, 1990 (Typescript with Note to Vizenor)
113 Other Known Writers: "The Boy Medicine" by M. Scott Momaday, 1990 (First 20 Pages of Script)
114 Other Known Authors: Old Shirts and New Skins by Sherman Alexie, 1992 (Publisher's Proof with Letter to Alexie)
115 Notes on Almanac of the Dead
These notes constitute a handwritten response to Silko's MSS.
116-8 Other Known Writers: Almanac of the Dead by Leslie Marmon Silko, 1991 (Galley Photocopy with Silko Pen Edits)
121 Other Known Writers: Clan of the One-Breasted Women by Terry Tempest Williams (Photocopy with Handwritten Edits)
122 Other Known Writers: A Study in Colonialism by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz
123 Other Known Authors: Poems by Jane Halladay (Typescript)
124 Other Known Authors: Native American Writers: Deconstructing Myth by Gloria Bird (Typescript)
131 Miscellaneous Journals and Writing, 1962-1963
132 Journals and Poems: Acoma, Pueblo Stories, History, Legends, and Politics, 1961-1966
133 Stories and Poems, 1960s-1970s
134 Poems and Acoma Stories, 1970s
135 Stories and Poems, circa 1970s-1980s
136 Miscellaneous Poetry and Writing, 1979-1988
137 Writing and Schoolwork of Keith Chino, 1980s
138 Poetry and Writing, 1979-1988
139 Miscellaneous Stories and Poems, circa 1976-1980s
1310 Miscellaneous Stories and Poetry, 1987-1988
1311 Notes and Stories on Pueblos, 1990 March-April, circa 1990s
141 Poems and Stories, 1975 February
142 Correspondence and Poems of Native Poets, 1970s
Authors include Mcluoling, Peter Blue Cloud, and Duane Big Eagle.
143 Writing Correspondence: Edwin Gordon, circa 1970s
144 Journals: Travels to Germany, 1984
145 Poetry, 1979-1986
146 Handwritten Stories, 1987
147 Poetry, 1987-1988
148 Poetry of Others, 1979-1988
149 Stories, 1989-1991
It is unclear whether these stories are by Simon Ortiz or someone else.
1410 Story and Poems, Undated
151 Notes and Poems, 1962
152 Sergeant Yazzie Begay, 1968 March 20
153 Stories and Poems, 1964-1973
154 Poetry, 1966-1974
155 "Roots of Resistance" (Half Draft)
156 Miscellaneous Writing and Letters, circa 1962-1965 (1 of 2)
161 Miscellaneous Writing and Letters, circa 1962-1965 (2 of 2)
162 Miscellaneous Stories and Poems, circa 1970s
163 Miscellaneous Poetry
164 Published or Mentioned in Newspapers
165 Contract for The Harper Book of Contemporary Native American Poetry, 1986 November
166 American Book Review, 1982 January-February
167 Northern Lights Newspaper, 1991 Spring
168 "Names, Remembering" Poem in Gourd Song Literary Journal, 1987
169 Poetry in Dodeca: Monthly Review, 1976 August
1610 Found in Simon Ortiz's Book Collection
Series II: Correspondence
105 NCC Press, 1982 June-1983 October
281 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs: Federal Educational Grant, 1967 June
282 Correspondence, 1978 January-June
283 Correspondence, 1977 January-December
284 Correspondence, 1976 January-December
285 Correspondence, 1972, 1975
286 Correspondence: Miscellaneous Letters from Simon, 1965
287 Correspondence, 1962-1967
291 Correspondence, 1978 July-December
292 Correspondence, 1979 January-June
293 Correspondence, 1979 July-December
294 Correspondence, 1980 January-June
301 Correspondence, 1980 July-December
302 Correspondence: Miscellaneous, 1980
303 Correspondence, 1981 January-June
304 Correspondence, 1981 July-December
311 Memos English NAS, 1980-1981
312 Correspondence, 1982 January-June
313 NCC Press: Earth Power Coming from Simon, 1982 June-August
314 Correspondence, 1982 July-December
315 NCC Press: Earth Power Coming from Simon, 1982 September-December
316 Miscellaneous Articles and Letter, 1982
321 NCC Press: Earth Power Coming, 1982 June-August
322 NCC Press: Earth Power Coming, 1982 September-December
323 American Indian Policy Newsletter, 1982
324 NCC Press: Earth Power Coming, 1982 June-1983 October
325 Correspondence, 1983 January-June
326 Correspondence, 1983 July-December
331 NCC Press: Earth Power Coming, 1983 February-April
332 Native American Policy Network Newsletter, 1983
333 Correspondence, 1984 January-June
334 Correspondence, 1984 July-December
335 Correspondence, 1985
336 Correspondence, 1987 January-June
341 Correspondence, 1987 July-December
342 Jamake Highwater, 1987 July 20
343 Correspondence: From Simon, 1987 December-1989 February
344 Correspondence, 1988 January-April
345 Correspondence: Miscellaneous Letters and Articles sent from Louise Saavedia, 1988 June 2
346 Correspondence, 1988 May-December
351 Correspondence, 1988 December-1989 June
352 Correspondence, 1989 July-December
353 Correspondence, 1990 January-June
354 Correspondence, 1990 July-December
361 Correspondence: Permissions Granted, 1990
Pending print for reprint.
362 Correspondence, 1991 January-May
363 Correspondence: From Simon, 1991 February-April
364 Correspondence, 1991 May-July
365 Correspondence: From Simon, 1991 June-September
366 Correspondence, 1991 June-December
371 Correspondence, 1992 January-February
372 Woven Stone: University of Arizona Press, 1991
373 Correspondence, 1992 March-June
374 Correspondence: From Simon, 1991 October-1992 January
375 Correspondence, 1992 June
376 Correspondence: Awaiting Replies
377 Blue Moon Press
378 Book Contracts
381-2 Miscellaneous Flyers, Advertisements, and Posters
391 Paredon Records: Fight Back
392 Communications: Radio, Film, TV
393 Tricentennial: Memos/Other Committees
394 Correspondence, Undated
395 Found in Simon Ortiz Book Collection
Series III: Journals
171-3 Journals, 1961-1962
174 College Work, 1960s
175 Notebooks, circa 1960s
176 Journals, circa 1965-1969
177 Journals, circa 1960s
178 Notebooks, circa 1960s
179 Journals, 1961-1962
1710 Journals and College Assignments, 1961-1962
1711 Story: "In This Circle", circa 1960s
1712 Notebooks, 1961-1964
1713 Journals, 1964
1714 Journals, 1964-1966
1715 Stories, 1966
1716 Story of Iowa and Thesis on the Displacement of NM Chicanos, circa 1960s, 1969
181 Journals, circa 1950s-1960s
182 Stories and Poems, 1960-1962
183 Drawings, Handwritten stories, Assignments, and Correspondence, 1961-1962
184 Journals, 1961-1962
185 Military and College Writing, 1960s
186 Early High School Writing, 1960s
187 Handwritten Notebook, 1964
188 Journals, 1964 September
189 Journals and Miscellaneous Writing, 1963-1965
1810 Journals, 1965 April-June
1811 Miscellaneous, 1965
1812 Notebooks, 1967
1813 Notebooks, 1967-1969
191 Journal Entries, 1970-1971, 1973-1974
192 Journals, 1974 March-September
193 Native People and Languages of Alaska Map, 1974
194 Journals, 1974 November-1975 January
195 Journals, 1975 February-March 9
201 Journals, circa 1975 March
202 Journals, 1975 April
203 Journals, 1975 April-May
204 Journals, 1975 May
205 Journals, 1975 June-August
206 Journals, 1975 Summer
207 Journals, 1976 January-April
211 Lukachukai, Acoma, Kawestima, etc., 1975 Summer
212 Journals, 1975 August-October
213 Journals, 1975 October 6-December 20
214 Journals, 1976 May
215 Journals, 1976 May-June
221 Journals, 1976 June-August
222 Journals, 1976 September
223 Journals, 1976 October
224 Journals, 1976 November-1977 January
225 Journals, 1977 (Typescript)
226 Journals, 1977 February
231 Journals, 1977 March
232 Journals, 1977 April
233 Journals, 1977 May
234 Journals, 1977 June-December
235 Journals, 1978 January
241 Journals: New Poems, 1978 April 24
242 Journals, 1978 February-May
243 Journals, 1978 June-1979 February
244 Journals and Letter, 1979 March, 1984
245 Journals, 1980 June 27
246 Notebook, 1981 April
247 Notebook, 1981 May-August, 1983 September
248 Journals, 1981 August-1982 February (Typescript)
249 Journals, 1982 January-February
2410 Notebook, September 1981- February 1982
2411 Journals, 1983 March
251 Notebook, circa 1985 March-April
252 Journals, 1987 January
253 Notebooks, 1987 May-September
254 Notebooks, 1987 November
255 Journals, 1987 October
256 Notebooks, 1988 January-February
261 Notebook, 1998 March-April
262 Notebooks, 1988 August-September
263 Notebook, 1988 November (Handwritten)
264 Notebooks, 1988 October-December
271 Notebooks, 1989 January-May
272 Notebook, 1990 June-September
273 Notebook, 1990 June-November (Handwritten)
274 Journals, 1991 August-October
275 Journals, 1990 November-1992 March
276 Journals, Undated (Handwritten)
277 Poetry by Others, Undated
278 Stories and Poems, Undated
279 Story: "Grandfather"/Charley, Santiago, Undated
2710 "Mother and Daughters", Undated
This story may be Part II of "Grandfather".
Series IV: Projects
1 Always Coming Forth, 1982 (Video Script)
401 Ghost Ranch Project Native American Youth, 1983
402 Frederick Hoxie National Endowment for the Humanities Grant Proposal on Teaching American Indian History, 1989
403 Folk Arts Grant Application, 1990
404 Earth and Sky Video on Star Axis: Research and Correspondence, 1991
405 Tales from the Center of the Universe: Newberry Library Project Correspondence, Contracts, Drafts, 1990
406 D'Arcy McNickle Tales From the Center of the Universe National Endowment for the Humanities Project Description, 1991
407 D'Arcy McNickle Newberry Proposal, Outline, Correspondence
408 D'Arcy McNickle Rockefeller Proposal: Present State of Native American Literature Focusing on the Works of McNickle
409 Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines Proposal, Institute of Native American Studies Literary Journal, 1980
4010 Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines Materials
4011 Always Coming Forth, 1982 (Video Script)
4012 Acting Director of Institute for Native American Development at University of New Mexico Paperwork and Correspondence, 1980
411-2 Pueblo Revolt Research Articles and Notes
413 The Pueblo Revolt: A Pageant Commemorating the Tricentennial 1680-1980 (Includes Notes)
414 Poets and Writers: Awards List (1978) and Sponsors List (1979), 1978, 1979
415 Northwest Native American Writers Association and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) Project, 1988 (Draft for Publishing Program)
416 National Endowment for the Arts Application Directions, 1992
417 National Endowment for the Arts Application, 1981
418 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Slideshow, 1981
421 Surviving Columbus: Standing in the Storm of History Handouts, Meeting Minutes, and Outline, 1991
422 Surviving Columbus Narrative, 1991 (Parts I and II)
423 Surviving Columbus Narrative, 1991 December (Draft; Part I)
424 Surviving Columbus Outline and Narrative, 1991 November-December (Outline First Version; Narrative Second Version)
425 Surviving Columbus Narrative, 1991 (Drafts)
426 Surviving Columbus Suggestions and Interview Notes, 1991
427 Surviving Columbus, circa 1991 (Draft)
428 Surviving Columbus Drafts, Outlines, Notes, and Meetings, 1991
429 Surviving Columbus Outline, circa 1991
4210 Surviving Columbus Proposal and First Advisory Meeting with Notes, 1991 October
4211 Surviving Columbus: Proposal for Producing Television Series; Pueblo People's Story of 450 Years of Contact With Europeans, 1991
4212 Surviving Columbus Preliminary Treatment, 1990 October
4213 Surviving Columbus Drafts, Notes, and Research
4214 Surviving Columbus Draft and Research
4215 Swiss Radio Project, 1982-1984
431 Surviving Columbus Video Segments (Drafts with Handwritten Notes)
432 Surviving Columbus Script Narration (Script Notes with Pencil Edits)
433 Surviving Columbus Script Changes; Rina Swentzell Tapes Notes
434 Surviving Columbus Film Script, 1992
435 Surviving Columbus, 1992 (Original Manuscript)
436 Surviving Columbus Narrative Script, 1992 January
Series V: Pueblo of Acoma Work
441 Albuquerque Area Tribal Coordinating Committee and UNM Indian Alcohol and Drug Abuse Training Program, November 1987
442 Acoma Partners in Basics Project Correspondence, Contracts, and Story Drafts, 1981
443 UNM Alcohol and Drug Abuse Studies Institute Handouts, Articles, Notes, and Poems by Simon Ortiz handwritten notes
444 UNM Alcohol and Drug Abuse Studies Institute Handouts
445 Suggestions for Increasing the People's Input into the Acoma Tribal Government by Gilbert Ortiz, 1979
446 Schooling and Water Rights Issues Letters, Articles, and Pamphlets, 1980
447 San Juan Pueblo Folk Tales Article by Hermah Cata for UNM Course 251, 1960
448 Pueblo Research Articles and Notes
451 Pueblo of Acoma Press Correspondence, Flyers, and Workshops, 1984
452 Pueblo of Acoma Interpreter Position Documents, Articles, Reports, Correspondence, 1987
453 The Mission at Old Acoma Presentation Project, 1989
454 Mining, Land, Acoma, Schools, Handwritten Notes, and Miscellaneous Articles
455 Interview Transcript of Martin Vigil by Dennis Stanford, 1971
456 Budget/Award, 1979 December 4
457 Bibo's Manuscript: Acoma Pueblo Lands Dispossession of Aboriginal Lands through Federal Land Grants to the Railroads, circa 1984
Series VI: Teaching
461 Life Coping Skills Workbooks, 1983
462 Introductory and Special Topics in Native American Literature: Course Designs
463 Elderly Self-Improvement and Basic Survival Skills Course Materials, 1980
464 Culture Studies in Indian Education by Dave Warren, 1972
465 Course Exams, 1979-1980
466 Class Handouts
These handouts may have been intended for a creative writing class.
467 College of Marin, San Francisco Auto Institute Class Outlines
468 College of Marin Exams, 1976-1979
469 College of Marin Personnel Folder, 1976-1979
4610 Class Anthologies
4611 American Indian Curriculum Committee Meeting, 1990 October 1
4612 American Indian Traditions in Language Arts
4613 UNM- AIS- Southwest Indian Communities Syllabus, 1980
471 Portland Public Schools: American Indian Contributions to Science and Technology Curriculum, 1990
472 Portland Public Schools: The Study of American Indian Civilizations Curriculum, 1990
473 Portland Public Schools: American Indian Art Traditions and Contributions Curriculum, 1990
474 Outlines, Syllabi, Readings, 1979-1980
475 Student Creative Writing
476 Fiction Writing: Student Work, 1990
477 Student Work: English 321, 1980
481 Student Work, 1977
482 Student Short Stories
483 Native American Bilingual Creative Writing Course Proposal, 1980 Summer
484 Native American Literature Student Work, 1980 Summer
485-6 Native American Literature: Handouts, Topics, Readings
487 Unknown Student Work
488 Student Work
489 Ethnic Studies Program Pamphlet College of Marin, 1978 Fall
Series VII: Research
491-2 Articles
493 American Indian Issues: Land, Government, etc.
494 A New Look at the Attributes of the Mexican American
495 Creative Work of Others
496 Course Handouts and Articles, circa 1960s
497 Correspondence between Governor of New Mexico William J. Mills and Harold Brook, 1911
498 "The Civilized Identity" and "A Reply To Some Thoughts on Theory and Method in Historical Archeology"
499 Articles: "Savage Anthropologists and Unvanishing Indians in the American Southwest" and "The Melting Pot That Wouldn't" by Bernard L. Fontana
501 Article from Guide to Ethnohistorical Sources: "Introduction: Reflections on Ethnohistory" by Howard F. Cline
502 Articles: "American Indians and White People" and "Indian Americans and United States History", 1961, 1973
503 Articles on Diaries
504 Miscellaneous Articles and Creative Works
505 Magazine Clippings
506 The Longest Walk Articles, 1978
507 John Trudell
508 Indian Housing in Nova Scotia by Peter Kassebaum, 1972
509 Guatemala
511 Reports on Land and Water Issues
512 Press Clippings Since March Guatemala Coup by NISGUA, 1982
513 Political Context of American Indian History Articles
514 Pamphlets
515 The Olmec Region at Spanish Contact/The Florentine Codex
516 Miscellaneous Articles
517 Miscellaneous Articles and Creative Work
518 Tribal History Literature Project (Dave Warren), 1973
519 Sundance, 1942
5110 Studies
5111 El Malpais Lava Field Map
5112 National Poetry Week Festival, October 1989
521 Newspapers: Coyote
522 Newspapers: The Circle, 1978 May
523 Newspapers: Cibola County Beacon
524 Newspapers: Albuquerque Center for Center News, 1987 October, 1989 February
525 Newspapers: California News Drum
526 Newspapers: Bumbershoot, 1981-1983
527 Newspapers: Blues Notes, 1989 May
528 Newspapers: Black Nation, 1982 October-1983 February
529 Newspapers: Bayou La Rose
5210 Newspapers: Americans Before Columbus, 1978-1981
5211 Newspapers: Avenues, 1989 August
5212 Newspapers: Akwesasne Notes, 1974-1984
5213 Newspapers: Indigenous World, 1982-1983
5214 Newspapers: Hot Springs-Information Network, 1981 Spring
5215 Newspapers: Grab a Nickel, 1977-1981
5216 Newspapers: The Gateway, 1988 February 2
5217 Newspapers: Friends of the Earth: Not Man Apart, 1977-1978
531 Newspapers: The Free Agent, 1988 June-July
532 Newspapers: Four Directions, 1978-1985
533 Newspapers: Fiction Monthly, 1984 February-June
534 Newspapers: Energy Times, 1978 May 13
535 Newspapers: El Salvador Alert, 1983 September
536 Newspapers: Earth First, 1983-1984
537 Newspapers: Drumbeat, 1978 (Vol. 2, No. 3)
538 Newspapers: El Mundo Indigena, 1983 (Vol. 2, No. 2)
539 Newspapers: Crosswinds, 1991 November (Vol. 4, No. 1)
5310 Newspapers: Crazy Horse Spirit, 1983 Winter-1984 (Vol. 2, No. 1)
5311 Newspapers: Navajo Times
5312 Newspapers: The Navajo-Hopi Observer
5313 Newspapers: Native Women's News, 1984 January
5314 Newspapers: Native Self-Sufficiency, 1978
5315 Newspapers: Native Press, 1983 December
5316 Newspapers: The Native Nevadan, 1979 April
5317 Newspapers: Native American Student Newsletter, 1982 October
541 Newspapers: Native American Solidarity Committee, 1978 October
542 Newspapers: Muse, 1989 December
543 Newspapers: The Militant, 1983 November 4
544 Newspapers: Mendocino Review, 1984 March (Vol. VII)
545 Newspapers: Marin Life
546 Newspapers: Koi-wa, 1978 April
547 Newspapers: Katuah, 1983-1984
548 Newspapers: Inventing the West, 1982
549 Newspapers: The Institute of the American West
5410 Newspapers: Pueblo News, 1977-1984
5411 Newspapers: Poetry Flash, 1991 August
5412 Newspapers: People's World, 1981 November 21
5413 Newspapers: People's Tribune, 1981-1982
5414 Newspapers: Palestine Focus, 1983-1988
5415 Newspapers: Oceanedge, 1992 Spring
5416 Newspapers: Northern Lights, 1983-1988
5417 Newspapers: New Mexico Report on Central America, 1985 Winter
5418 Newspapers: The New Mexico Independent, 1978 June 16
5419 Newspapers: NewsART
551 Newspapers: Talking Leaf, 1978 August-1982 July
552 Newspapers: Sundevil Roundup, 1977 March-1978 March
553 Newspapers: Strata, 1977 November
554 Newspapers: St. Kate's News, 1992 Winter
555 Newspapers: Sister Lode, 1980 March-1982 April
556 Newspapers: Siletz News, 1989 May
557 Newspapers: Sho-Ban News, 1978 May 3
558 Newspapers: Rough Rock High School News, 1976 October 27
559 Newspapers: Rough Rock News, 1976-1978
5510 Newspapers: Rolling Stock
5511 Newspapers: Rifts: The Magazine of the Washington Jazz Society, 1992 March
5512 Newspapers: Resistance, 1978 November
5513 Newspapers: The Red Times, 1977-1979
5514 Newspapers: Read Street (Vol. 1, Issue 7)
5515 Newspapers: Radioactive Times
5516 Newspapers: Rehoboth Christian School News, 1989
561 Newspapers: Tribal People's Survival, 1981 Winter
562 Newspapers: Utah Wilderness Association
563 Newspapers: Voces Unidas, 1991
564 Newspapers: Wassaja
565-6 Newspaper Clippings
571 Journals and Newsletters: American Indian Community House Community Bulletin, 1992 (Vol. VI, No. XI)
572 Journals and Newsletters: AM Here Forum Seven, 1992 January
573 Journals and Newsletters: All Arts Newsletter, 1992 May
574 Journals and Newsletters: Adviser, 1984 April
575 Smaller Newsletters and Mailings
576 Newspaper Clippings
581 Journals and Newsletters: Dispatch
582 Journals and Newsletters: Dadeca, 1976 August (Vol. II, No. 8)
583 Journals and Newsletters: Croton Review, 1982 (No. 5)
584 Journals and Newsletters: Common Ground
585 Journals and Newsletters: Committee on Native American Struggles, 1982 Winter
586 Journals and Newsletters: Coda: Poets & Writers Newsletter
587 Journals and Newsletters: Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter
588 Journals and Newsletters: The Chaco-Bisti News
589 Journals and Newsletters: California Indian Land Private Property, 1976 June (Vol. I, No. I)
5810 Journals and Newsletters: The Bulletin
5811 Journals and Newsletters: American Writer, 1982 December
5812 Journals and Newsletters: The American Right to Read Newsletter, 1984 Summer
5813 Journals and Newsletters: The American Poetry Archives News, 1990 Fall
591 Journals and Newsletters: Meeting Ground
592 Journals and Newsletters: The Messenger
593 Journals and Newsletters: Leviathan
594 Journals and Newsletters: The Journal of the Rocky Mountain Front, 1988 December
595 Journals and Newsletters: Journal of Alaska Native Arts
596 Journals and Newsletters: Inter-com
597 Journals and Newsletters: International Pen USA Center West, 1989 Spring
598 Journals and Newsletters: Ink, 1991 Spring-1992 Spring
599 Journals and Newsletters: The Indigenous Eye
5910 Journals and Newsletters: Indian Truth
5911 Journals and Newsletters: History News, 1990 September-October
5912 Journals and Newsletters: Heartland Bookletter, 1987 Summer
5913 Journals and Newsletters: Hard Row to Hoe
5914 Journals and Newsletters: Gourd Song
5915 Journals and Newsletters: GDR Committee for Human Rights Bulletin, 1980
5916 Journals and Newsletters: Frontera News
5917 Journals and Newsletters: FAME, 1978 Spring
5918 Journals and Newsletters: Distant Visions, 1978 Fall
601 Journals and Newsletters: The Radioactive Rag, 1989 April
602 Journals and Newsletters: Pueblo Horizons
603 Journals and Newsletters: The Poetry Project
604 Journals and Newsletters: Pendragon
605 Journals and Newsletters: Pen American Center Newsletter
606 Journals and Newsletters: Peace and Solidarity, 1982 January-February
607 Journals and Newsletters: Other World Poetry, 1979 July
608 Journals and Newsletters: Numu Ya Dua'
609 Journals and Newsletters: No Newsletter from Poets for Peace
6010 Journals and Newsletters: Nicaraguan Perspectives, 1982 Winter
6011 Journals and Newsletters: The New Mexico Lawyer, 1989 January 30
6012 Journals and Newsletters: NEEK
6013 Journals and Newsletters: Native American Defense Committee Newsletter
6014 Journals and Newsletters: Mine Talk
6015 Journals and Newsletters: Milkweed Chronicle, 1983 Winter
611 Journals and Newsletters: Worker Writer
612 Journals and Newsletters: The Workbook, 1983 November-December
613 Journals and Newsletters: The Willamette Writer, 1989 June-July
614 Journals and Newsletters: West Wind
615 Journals and Newsletters: Treaty Council News, 1977 June
616 Journals and Newsletters: The Threepenny Review
617 Journals and Newsletters: The Source (Vol. 3, No. 4)
618 Journals and Newsletters: Soup, 1983 May
619 Journals and Newsletters: Smoke Signals, 1970 May
6110 Journals and Newsletters: Smithsonian Runner
6111 Journals and Newsletters: Small Press Review
6112 Journals and Newsletters: The Seedhead News
6113 Journals and Newsletters: Scoop
6114 Journals and Newsletters: Scarlet, 1991 Spring
6115 Journals and Newsletters: Santa Fe Poetry
6116 Journals and Newsletters: Scared Mountain Notes
6117 Journals and Newsletters: Rio Grande Writers Newsletter
6118 Journals and Newsletters: The Reader
621 Magazines: The Civil Rights Quarterly Perspectives, 1981 Summer-Fall
622 Magazines: Rocky Mountain Magazine, 1979 July-August
623 Magazines: Punto Critico, 1982 March
624 Magazines: Utne Reader, 1988 November-December
625 Magazines: Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Visitor's Guide, 1991
626 Magazines: Native Nations
627 Magazines: Native Peoples
628 Magazines: The Progressive, 1989 September
629 Magazines: San Francisco Review of Books, 1991 Summer
Series VIII: Miscellaneous
631 A Directory of American Poets, 1975 (Includes Handwritten Notes)
632 A Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers, 1980-1981
633 The Dinner Party: Anthology from a Dinner, Wilson, Wyoming, 1991
634 CRP 570-03: Site Planning for Native American Lands by Ted Jojola
635 Cascade Run Off, 1989
636 Calendars and Birthday Book, 1978, 1979, 1981-1982, 1984, 1989, 1991 (Includes Handwritten Notes)
637 Business Cards Collected
638 Bruce Greenfield and Sarita Gonzalez News in Regards to Death of Daughter Katie, 1991-1992
639 Big Mountain: The Land and People Speaking
6310 The Best of Eric on Services to Native Americans and Bilingual Education for Choctaws of Mississippi, 1976
6311 Academic Records, 1960s
641 Land Issues: American Indian Environmental Council, 1980 August
642 Land Issues: American Indian Environmental Council, 1980 July
643 Land Issues: Acoma Tribal Council Water Rights and Land Analysis
644 Jim Pepper Photo and Articles
645 Items Found in Personal Book Collection
646 Introduction to Native American Literature Materials (Instructor Bill Siverly), 1988 Spring
647 Political Science 340-001: Inter-American Relations Course Packet (Professor Stanley), 1990-1991
648 An Interview with Simon J. Ortiz by Paulette D'Auteuil, 1989 November
649 History Exams for R. Ortiz, 1978
6410 Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Pamphlets and Press Releases, 1980
6411 Guggenheim Application, 1991
6412 Grant Proposals and Projects, 1980-1981
6413 Economic Land Use Analyses for the Cheyenne-Arapaho Indian Government, 1975 December
651 Miscellaneous
652 Land Issues: Saving Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute Study and Catalog, 1982
653 Land Issues: Southwestern Polytechnic Correspondence (Save SIPI), 1982
654 Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute Board of Regents Expansion Plan, 1982
655 Land Issues: Save Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
656 Land Issues: Pit River (Chapter I)
657 Land Issues: Blue Lake Taos, New Mexico Letters and Articles, 1960s
658 Land Issues: BIA's Plans for Hupa and Yurok People, 1978 November
659 Land Issues: Atrisco Land Rights Council Land and Water Rights Seminar, 1982 December
661 Poets and Writers Supplement, 1976-1977
662 Playbills, Maps, Bumper Stickers
663 NEH Application: Mississippi Authority for Educational Television "Folk Music of the South"
664 NEH Application: Institute for the Study of Diplomacy "Perceptions of the Cold War" TV Series
665 New Mexico State Legislature: Advisory Committee Pamphlet and Correspondence, 1980
666 Proposal for Native American Poetry Reading Series
667 National Congress of American Indians, 1988
668 National Congress of American Indians, 1988 (Packet #2)
669 Native American House Dwelling Class Proposal by Peter Nobokov
6610 Notes and Articles (Government Publications)
6611 National Writers Union Membership, 1984
671 University of New Mexico Dean of Arts and Humanities Search and Controversy: Cancelling of Ethnic Studies Directors, 1980
672 The Limited Adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code by Indian Tribes, 1981 June
673 Treaty of 1968 between US and Navajo Tribe (Copy with Notes in Pen)
674 The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Film Materials
675 Strategies of Survival Pamphlet, Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, 1977 August
676 Seed Books, 1988-1992
Includes 1992 seed listing, natural seeds search; 1988 seeds and books.
677 St. Catherine Indian School Commencement Program and Articles, 1987
678 Registration Jobs Booklet from Affirmative Action Oregon
679 Recommended Highest and Best Land Uses for the Middle Verde Road Tourism Complex of the Yavapi-Apache Nation
6710 Resumes and Cover Letters, 1980s
6711 Post Card/Card Collection
681 Unknown Author: Larry Kerntetter (Draft Manuscript)
682 Unknown Author: Geraldine Keams, 1982 (Manuscript)
683 Unknown Author: Carmen Hoover (Manuscript)
684 Unknown Author: Michael Hittman (Manuscript)
685 Unknown Author: Jimmie Durham (Manuscript)
686 Unknown Author: Marion Herndon Dunn (Partial Manuscript)
687 Unknown Author: Hear Warrior Chosa (Manuscript)
688 Unknown Author: Miven Booth (Manuscript)
689 Unknown Author: Jewel Benson (Manuscript)
6810 Unknown Author: Betty Morrow Bacon
691 Veterans for Veterans, 1990
692 Unknown Author: Frances Yost (Manuscript)
693 Unknown Author: Donna Whitewing
694 Unknown Author: Billy Gresham West
695 Unknown Author: Pat Smith
696 Unknown Author: Mary Helen Snyder
697 Unknown Author: Ron Sarracino (Manuscript)
698 Unknown Author: Joe Sando Pueblo Nations (Photocopied Gallies)
699 Unknown Author: Ralph Salisbury (Manuscript)
6910 Unknown Author: Norman H. Russel Jr. (Manuscript)
6911 Unknown Author: Alan Nelson (Manuscript)
6912 Unknown Author: Possibly Minnie Belle Gardner McCain, McCain Autobiography (3rd Draft; Includes Inserts and Notes
6913 Unknown Author: Jose Garza
6914 Unknown Author: Kiva, 1983
6915 The Wyoming Art Council Annual Report, 1991
6916 Western States Arts Foundation Book Award, 1984
6917 Veterans for Veterans, 1992
6918 Veterans for Veterans, 1988
6919 Veterans for Veterans, 1989
6920 Found in Simon Ortiz Book Collection
Series IX: Conferences
701 Ghost Ranch Rio Grande Institute, 1983
702 Economic Development Seminar (Econ 439), 1980-1981
703 Columbus Before and After: Touring Chautauqua Program, 1991
704 Celebrating Our Survival, 1982 June
705 Alaska Native Writers Workshop, 1983
706 11th Annual Summer Institute on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, 1987
711 Storytime Reborn, 1982
712 Returning the Gift: North American Native Writer's Festival Materials and Notes, 1992
713 Public Policy and Native Americans in North Carolina: Issues for the 80s Conference Proceedings
714 Northwest Communities Project Minority Leadership Conference Unity, 1990
715 Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, 1989 October
716 New Mexico Writers Workshop
717 New Mexico Citizen's Water Quality Conference, 1988
718 Mountains and Plains Booksellers Association Authors Banquet
719 International NGO Conference on Indigenous People and the Land, 1981
721 Writer's Dialogue on Communication: National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution
722 The Writer and the West, 1978 July
723 Toward a Partnership: Native American Indian Education and the Independent Secondary School, 1988 December
724 Telluride Institute Native American Writers Forum, 1991
725 Southwestern Tribal Leaders Conference Joint Tribal and Bureau Albuquerque Area Community Development Conference Minutes, 1958-1967
Series X: Audiovisual
731 Photos from Leslie Marmon Silko of her Tucson Mural
732 Photos of Friends and Family
733 Photos from D. M. Bailin
734 Photos of Simon and 'drea Bess, 1988
735 Photos from 'drea Bess of Santa Fe Indian Market, 1988
736 Photos of Simon
737 Photos, 1950s-1960s
738 Photos: Portland, Oregon
739 Photo Negatives
7310 Miscellaneous Photos
7311 Damaged Photos
7312 Photograph Found in Simon Ortiz Book Collection
74 Video Cassettes (5 Beta Cassettes)
75 Recordings of Simon (22 Cassette Tapes)
76 Record, Floppy Disks, and Film Reel (7 Items)
77 Sky City and Black and White Photograph of Simon (3 Oversized Items)
Series XI: Book Collection
78-80 Simon Ortiz Writing
81 Journals and Magazines with Simon Ortiz Writing
82-83 Dedications to Simon Ortiz
84 Books with Notation by Simon Ortiz
851 Six Miles Out by Barbara Smith (Dedication and Newspaper Clipping)
852 Pre-Faces & Other Writings by Jerome Rothenberg
853 Minority Voices Journal
This item contains writing about Ortiz.
854 American Indian and Eskimo Authors
This item was written by member(s) of Simon Ortiz's family.
855 The Tewa World-Alfonso Ortiz
This item was written by member(s) of Simon Ortiz's family.
856 Red Power on the Rio Grande by Franklin Folsom and Alfonso Ortiz
This item was written by member(s) of Simon Ortiz's family.
857 My Grandfather and the Boys by Mamie Ortiz
This item was written by member(s) of Simon Ortiz's family.
858 To An Imaginary Daughter by Walter Lowenfels
Correspondence. This book is dedicated to Daughter with a letter to daughter.
859 Alcheringa ethnopoetics
Edited by Simon Ortiz.
8510 Painted Bride Quarterly (Notation and Handwritten Note)
8511 Cast a Cold Eye by Mary McCarthy (Handwritten Note on Inside Cover)
8512 Recovering the Rhythms of Poetry Edward R. Hungerford (Teaching)
8513 Willkommen Indianer
Simon Ortiz Writing in German and ticket.
8514 The Remembered Earth by Geary Hobson
Includes Simon Ortiz writing with notation and children's drawing.
8515 Earth Power Coming by Simon Ortiz
Correspondence: letter to Sister Marjorie inside; dedicated to Marlene
8516 Inc. #1
Simon Ortiz poetry and newspaper clipping inside.
8517 Kuksu
Contains Simon Ortiz writing and handwritten note.
8518 Traveling America with Today's Poets
Correspondence: letter from Cecilia.
8519 New Mexico Humanities Review
Correspondence: letter from editor.
8520 Diet Pepsi and Nacho Cheese by Nila NorthSun
Correspondence: letter from Bob Callahan.
8521 Sonora Review
Correspondence: letter from editor Roger Hecht.
8522 Tamaqua
Correspondence: letter from Bruce Morgan.
8523 American Indian Art
Correspondence: letter to Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz from Roanne P. Goldfein.
8524-25 Grants High School Yearbooks (With Signatures)
8526 Fort Lewis A & M College Yearbook (With Signatures)
86 Research Journals