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Roberto Reveles Papers 1955-2009


Overview of the Collection

Creator: Reveles, Roberto (Roberto Apodaca), 1932-
Title: Roberto Reveles Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1955-2009
Quantity: 63 Boxes (31.5 Linear Feet)
Abstract:The Roberto Reveles Papers contain correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, organizational records, subject files, and other items documenting Reveles' career as a congressional staffer for five congressmen in Arizona, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. between 1956 and 1980. His work as an advocate for civil rights and immigration reform in the Mexican and Mexican-American communities is also shown. Una versión en Español de este documento está disponible en el sitio
Identification: MSS-351
Language: Material primarily in English with some Spanish.
Repository: Arizona State University Library. Chicano Research Collection
P.O. Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Phone: (480) 965-4932
Questions? Ask An Archivist!

Biographical Note

Roberto Apodaca Reveles was born in Miami, Arizona on November 25, 1932. He graduated from Miami High School (1951), earned his B.A. from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service (1962), attended American University's College of Law, and served in the U.S. Air Force (1952-1955). He was previously married and was the father of five children.

Reveles has served on the staffs of several congressmen, including as personal secretary to Rep. Stewart L. Udall (D-Ariz.; 1956-1961), as special assistant (1961-1962 and 1966-1969) and administrative assistant (1978-1980) to Rep. Morris K. Udall (D-Ariz.), as legislative assistant to Rep. George F. Senner (D.-Ariz.; 1962-1964); as administrative assistant to Rep. Paul J. Krebs (D-N.J.; 1964-1966), and as executive secretary to Rep. Frank Thompson, Jr. (D-N.J.; 1969-1977). In these positions, he managed all phases of the congressional offices, including legislative and administrative duties. Reveles also served as the associate staff director for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs (1977-1980) before leaving Congress to become the manager and vice president for Government Affairs for Homestake Mining Company in San Francisco, California in 1980. Here, Reveles was responsible for designing and implementing corporate actions on government public policies until his retirement in 1992.

Throughout his career, Reveles has advocated for immigration reform at the State and Federal levels. He founded Somos America (We Are America) and co-founded Unidos en Arizona. He has also worked with organizations like Humane Borders and the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona.

Scope and Content Note

The Roberto Reveles Papers contain correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, organizational records, subject files, and other items documenting Reveles' career as a congressional staffer for five congressmen in Arizona, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. between 1956 and 1980. His work as an advocate for civil rights and immigration reform in the Mexican and Mexican-American communities is also shown.

Series I: Personal includes correspondence, photographs, and artifacts. This series also contains files documenting Reveles' campaign for congress in 1972. Series II: Politics contains information about political figures and parties, political issues, special projects, and newspaper clippings dating from 1955 to 1990. Series III: Somos America documents the early history of this organization. Reveles and members of this group participated in a historic Phoenix march on April 10, 2006 in response to inhumane federal immigration laws. Series IV: Subject Files contains documents about organizations, people, locations, and subjects. These documents were originally collected and organized into subject files by Reveles, and this order has been retained.


This collection consists of sixty-three boxes divided into four series:
Series I: Personal
Series II: Politics
Series III: Somos America
Series IV: Subject Files


Access Restrictions

To view this collection, make an appointment at least five business days prior to your visit by contacting Ask an Archivist or calling (480) 965-4932. Appointments in the Wurzburger Reading Room at Hayden Library (rm. 138) on the Tempe campus are available Monday through Friday. Check the ASU Library Hours page for current availability.


The Arizona Board of Regents retains copyright to this collection for and on behalf of the Arizona State University Library. Requests to publish, display, or redistribute information from this collection must be submitted via our online application.

Related Material

Separated Materials

Duplicate congressional documents were transferred to the Government Documents Department.

Access Terms

Personal Name(s)
Reveles, Roberto (Roberto Apodaca), 1932-.
Udall, Morris K.
Udall, Stewart L.

Corporate Name(s)
Democratic National Convention.
Somos America Coalition (Ariz.).

Geographic Name(s)
Arizona -- Politics and government -- 1951-.
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century.

Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
English-only movement -- United States.
Immigrants -- Civil rights.
Mexican American politicians.
Mexican Americans -- Civil Rights.
Mexican Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Mines and mineral resources -- Southwest, New.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Roberto Reveles Papers, MSS-351, Arizona State University Library.


Roberto Reveles donated these materials to the Chicano/a Research Collection in 2010 and 2011 (Accession #2010-04451 and Accession #2011-04501).

Processing Note

Artifacts were placed in Series I: Personal (Boxes 4 and 5).

Container List

Series I: Personal
11 Campaign Material, Advertisement, 1972
12 Campaign Material, Candidate Information, 1972
13 Campaign Material, Candidate Nomination Form, 1972-1973
14-5 Campaign Material, Candidate Committee Nomination Form, 1972-1974
16 Campaign Material, Contributions and Endorsements, 1972
17 Campaign Material, Correspondence, 1972
18 Campaign Material, Finances and Expenses, 1972-1973
19 Campaign Material, Memorabilia, 1972
110 Campaign Material, Political Issues, 1972
111 Campaign Material, Schedule, 1972
112 Campaign Material, Newspaper Clippings, 1962-1972
21 Correspondence, 1959-1963
22 Correspondence, 1964-1966
23 Correspondence, 1967-1969
24 Correspondence, 1970-1972
25 Correspondence, 1973-1979
26 Correspondence, 1980-1992
27 Correspondence
31-2 Photographs and Negatives
33 Phone and Addresses Book
34 Appointment Book, 1968
35 Architectural Plans
36 Business Cards
4 Buttons and Pins
4 Name Plates
4 Stewart Udall Stamp
4 Morris Udall Stamp
4 Reveles For Congress Stamp
5 Autograph Book
5 Event Guest Books
Series II: Politics
61-2 Arizona Campaign Material, Democratic Candidates, 1970-1973
63 Arizona Campaign Material, Republican Candidates, 1972
64 Arizona Campaign Material, Sample Ballots, 1972
65 Arizona Campaign Material, Voter Registration, 1970-1973
66 Arizona History Booklets
67 Arizona State Legislature Booklets, 1975-1978
69 Gila County Democrats, 1963-1964
610 Sam Steiger, 1961-1964
611 George Senner, 1961-1964
612 John P. Clark, 1962
613 Barry Goldwater
71-6 Morris Udall, 1958-1980
81-5 Morris Udall, Presidential Campaign, 1975-1976
91 Morris Udall, Newspaper Clippings
92-3 Stewart Udall Reports, 1955-1960
94 Morris Udall Reports, 1962
95 Democratic National Committee, 1969
96-7 Democratic National Committee, 1970
101 Democratic National Committee, 1971
102-4 Democratic National Committee, 1973-1974
105-6 Democratic National Committee, Campaign Consultation Program, 1974
111 Democratic National Committee, Delegate Selection, 1972
112 Democratic National Committee, Calendar, 1987
113 Conference of Democratic Spanish Speaking Elected Officials, 1974-1975
114 Democratic National Convention, Latino Caucus, 1976
115 Democratic National Convention, 1972
116 Democratic National Convention, 1980
117 Democratic Party of Virginia, 1979-1981
121-2 Campaign Contributions and Expenditures, 1969-1974
123-4 Hispanic Government Employees, 1967-1973
125 Latino Hill Caucus, 1973
126 Mobilizing Urban Coalition, 1967
131-4 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Employment Task Force, 1966-1972
135-6 Southern Regional Council, 1964-1966
137 Equal Rights Amendment, 1972
141-5 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1967-1971
151-6 U.S. Department of Commerce, Census, 1955-1960
161-6 U.S. Department of Commerce, Census, 1960-1979
171-2 Conference on Social Statistics and the City, 1967
173-4 John F. Kennedy, 1962-1963
175 Lyndon B. Johnson
176 Frank Thompson, 1961-1977
181-2 Richard Nixon, 1970
183 Watergate, 1973-1974
184 Hubert Humphrey, 1968
185 Edward Roybal
186 Henry Gonzalez, 1963-1974
187 Herman Badillo, 1974
188 Manuel Lujan, 1974
191-2 Edmund Muskie, 1970-1972
193 Nancy Pelosi, 1987
194 Hispanic Politicians, 1978
195 League of Women Voters, 1973-1989
196 Hispanic Redistricting Conference, 1991
197 Voter Education Project, 1971
198 Voter Registration Rally: John Lennon and Yoko Ono, 1972
201-6 Southwest Voter Registration Project (SVREP), 1969-1990
211-2 Southwest Voter Registration Project (SVREP), 1969-1990
213 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1967
214 Tax Reform, 1967
215 Transportation
216 Drug Abuse Policy, 1975-1976
217 Vietnam War
218 American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 1969
219 Latin America, 1968
221-5 Ecumenical Program for Inter American Communication and Action (EPICA), 1969-1971
231-4 Project Interchange, 1991
235 Institute for Policy Studies, 1971-1973
236 Department of State, Foreign Service, 1965-1972
241-3 Hispanic Policy Development Project, 1984-1990
244 Interstate Research Associates (IRA)
245 Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1972-1973
246 Government Budget and Tax, 1973
251 Third Political Party
252 Constitution and White House Booklet
253-4 Congressional Records, 1964-1976
255 Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 1970-1972
261-8 Newspaper Clippings, 1961-1975
Series III: Somos America
271-5 Correspondence, 2005-2009
276 Organization Bylaws, 2006-2008
277 Trade Name Certification, 2006
278 Somos America Directory, 2006
279 Finances and Expenses, 2006
2710 Leadership Workshop, 2006
2711 Rally and Marches, 2006
281-4 Meeting Notes, 2006-2007
285-7 Arizona Legislation Bills, 2006-2007
288-9 Ballot Propositions, 2006-2007
291 Latino Vote, 2006
292 Election Protection Project, 2006
293 National Immigration Reform, 2005-2006
294 Unity Blueprint for Immigration Reform Proposal, 2006-2007
295 Arizona Advocacy Network, 2003-2006
296 Arizona Coalition for Migrant Rights, 2005-2006
297 Arizona Interfaith Network, 2005-2006
298 Beat the Odds, Institute
299 Chicano Faculty and Staff Association, 2006-2007
2910 Hispanic Statistics, 2006-2007
2911 Emigrantes Sin Fronteras, 2006
2912 Jeff Flake, 2006
2913 Harry Mitchell, 2007
2914 International Immigration Conference, 2006
2915 Field Soldiers Documentary, 2006
2916 Mesa Association of Hispanic Citizens (MAHC), 2006
2917 Television Coverage, 2001-2006
2918 National Latino Congreso, 2006
301 Phoenix Police Department, 2006
302 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 2007
303 Pew Hispanic Center, 2004-2008
304 Russell Pearce, 2002-2004
305 Martin Luther King, 2005-2008
306 Presidential Campaign, 2004-2008
307 Unidos en Arizona, 2006
308 Latino Coalition for Political Action, 2006
309 Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 2006
3010 Arizona Community Foundation, 2006
3011 Know Your Rights Campaign, 2005-2006
3012 Then New Sanctuary Movement, 2007
311 National Alliance for Human Rights, 2006
312 Immigration History, 2006-2007
313 Court Cases, 2006
314 Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, 2006-2007
315 Immigrant Detainees, 2006-2007
316-7 Glendale Event, 2006-2007
318 Mexico and U.S. Relations
319 Student Research Papers, 2008
3110 PowerPoint Presentations
3111 Arizona State University, 2005
321-3 Newspaper Clippings, 2005-2009
Series IV: Subject Files
324 Alianza Hispano Americana
325 American Coordination Council On Political Education (ACCPE)
326 Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF)
327 G.I. Forum
328 Hispanic Organization of Professionals and Executives (HOPE)
331-3 Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Spanish Speaking People (CCOSSP)
334-5 Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican American Affairs, 1967-1968
341-6 Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican American Affairs, 1967-1968
347 League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
351 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
352 Mexican American Organizational Movement
353 Mexican American Unity Council
354 National Mexican American Anti-Defamation Committee
355 Southwest Council of La Raza
356 National Society of Hispanic MBA's, 1992
357 National Confederation of American Ethnic Groups (NCAEG)
358 Hispanic Organizations and Leaders
361 National Mexican American Institute
362-4 National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
365-6 National Organization for Mexican American Services (NOMAS), 1964-1971
371-5 Spanish Speaking Coalition (UNIDOS)
376 Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation (CARA) Exhibit
381-3 Universal Arts
384-5 Chicano Health
391 National Coalition on the Hanigan Case
392 Mexico and U.S. Relations, 1972-1979
393-5 Immigration and Migration
401 Immigration Symposium, 1978
402 Poor People's Campaign
403 Southwest Poverty Conference, 1964-1965
404 Poverty and Housing, 1969
405 Rural Housing Alliance
411 Rural Development Plans
412-4 Service, Education and Redevelopment (SER) Program
415 Opportunities Industrialization Centers (OIC)
421-5 Farm Workers, 1963-1973
431-5 Farm Workers, 1963-1973
436 El Teatro Campesino, 1967
441-2 Migrant Children
443-6 Labor and Employment, 1960-1979
451-6 Labor and Employment, 1960-1979
461 Office of Minority Business Enterprise
462-3 Economics and Business
464 Arizona Office of Economic Planning and Development
465-7 Education, 1960-1969
471-5 Education, 1970-1992
481-5 Education, 1970-1992
491-2 Bilingual Education
493 Education, Parent and School Relations
494 Education, Science and Engineering
495 Education, Dropout Rates
496 Education, Census
497 Higher Education
501-3 Music Education
504 Monterey County School Education
505 National Commission on Secondary Schooling for Hispanics, 1981-1985
511-5 National Commission on Secondary Schooling for Hispanics, 1981-1985
516 Spanish Speaking Americans
521-3 California Proposition 63, English Only
524 Arizona Mining, 1977-1980
525 Mining Laws, 1977
526-7 Mining Laws, 1986-1988
531-5 Mining Laws, 1986-1988
536 Mining Laws, 1993
541-2 People for the West
543-4 Homestake Mining Company
545-7 Gold Mining Industry, 1985-1990
551-4 Gold Mining Industry, 1985-1990
555 Miles Romney Spring Meeting
556 National Wilderness Conference, 1991
557 Mines and Minerals
561-5 California Mines and Mining
571-4 Hayden Environmental Protection Act, 1990
575 Environmental Hearings and Reports
581-2 Western States Public Lands Coalition, 1988
583 Bauer Schweitzer Historical Site
584 Philip Randolph Institute
585 Public Affairs Council
586 Western Folklife Center
587 San Franciscans Seeking Consensus
588 La Conferencia Hispano Americana De Nuveo Mejico
591 Negros and African Americans, 1966-1968
592-3 Indians
594 Arizona Civil Rights, 1961-1962
595-6 Chicano Politics, 1970-1971
601 El Ojo: Chicano Newsletter, 1972
602 El Grito: Journal of Contemporary Mexican American Thought, 1967-1973
603 University of Arizona
604 Los Changuitos Feos de Tucson
605 Tucson, Arizona
606 Salomon Baldenegro
607 Chicano Center in Tucson
608 Black and Chicano Relations
609 Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Conference, 1987
6010 Reies Tijerina
6011-12 Guadalupe, Arizona
611 Arnold Elias
612 Archie Green
613 Gerald A. Pollock
614 Cesar Sereseres
615 University of California, Berkeley
616 University of California, Riverside
617 University of California, Los Angeles
618-9 Law Schools
6110 La Raza National Law Students Association
621 Virgin Islands
622 San Francisco Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
623 California Chamber of Commerce
624 Labor in Vietnam
625 Pro Life (Anti-Abortion) Education
626 Juarez Lincoln Center
627 Alternative Banking Project
628-9 San Jose State University
6210 North Merced Rotary Club
631 Revenue Sharing
632-3 Catholic Church
634 Operation Civic Service
635 Meridian House Foundation
636 Johnson Foundation
637 Real Alternative Program