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'Ranches Arizona Records and correspondence' in subject 1929 in date [Undo]
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1Author:  Moser, RobertRequires cookie*
 Title:  Robert Moser papers, 1929-2008 ead 
 Date(s):  1929-2008 
 Abstract:  This collection contains books, pamphlets, and folders, 1958-1986, of Robert Moser, a real estate appraiser from Arizona. Books and pamphlets contain botanical, meteorological and legal information relevant to ranching in the Southwest. Folders contain appraisal reports. Additional materials include books and color slides, from Barton Wright, an author who wrote about historical agriculture and archeology in the Southwest. Books are a series on American agricultural history and Wright's master thesis on archeology in Catclaw Cave, Arizona. Color slides are of various locations, plants and structures in Arizona. 
 Repository:  University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections 
 Subjects:  Ranches -- Arizona -- Records and correspondence | Real property -- Arizona | Ranching -- Arizona 
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